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Torey Lee Brooks

Goal Details: Climb every route at Rumney (≤ 5.10)

Updated: Jan 5, 2022

Climbing some classic Rumney schist


Ward Smith's Rumney Rock Climbing Guide outlines over 500 routes at the New Hampshire sport-climbing destination in Plymouth, NH. 265 of these are 5.10 or below.

The "Why"

Rumney is New England's sport-climbing mecca and has premier routes at almost all grades. To feel as though I have fully explored the area I have set the goal to climb every easy to moderate route at Rumney (arbitrarily defined as every 5.10d route and below).

The Cause: The Access Fund

1 in 5 climbing areas in the United States are threatened due to private land lost to development, public land managers over-regulating climbing, or climber impacts degrading the environment. The Access Fund is on a mission to keep climbing areas open and conserve the climbing environment. They do this through stewardship and conservation, local community programs, land acquisition and protection, risk management, landowner support, and education.

The Access fund has done direct work and provided grants to keep Rumney an accessible, safe, and environmentally responsible climbing destination. This work makes it possible for me to be able to complete this goal in the first place.


To "complete a climb" means to lead it without any assistance from the rope or gear (aka redpoint ). This does not require me to hang draws on the route if some are already in place.

There are trad climbs and bouldering at Rumney as well, however, this goal encompasses only sport-style climbs.

I will be doing my best effort to complete all climbs in the guidebook, however, if a climb proves to be unsafe or would require a drastic amount of modification/cleaning it may be excluded.


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